About Us

Chapter Information

The American Rhododendron Society is a not for profit organization whose purpose is to encourage interest and to disseminate knowledge about rhododendrons and azaleas.

It also provides a medium through which all persons interested in rhododendrons and azaleas may communicate and cooperate with others through education, meetings, publications, scientific studies, research, conservation and other similar activities.

The Great Lakes Chapter serves members residing in Western Pennsylvania, NewYork, Ohio and Eastern Michigan.

Officers/Board Members:

President:             Eric Oesterling

Vice President:      Juliana Medeiros

Secretary:              Karen Wagner

Treasurer:              Steve Krebs PH. D.

Membership:          Dr. L. G. Walters

Newsletter:           Annett Pizzino

Past President:       Stephen Krebs Ph. D.

Board of Directors:  Kay Walters (6 year term)

                               Karen Wagner (4 year term)

                               Chas Wagner (rhodo mentor)

                     Great Lakes Chapter 50th Anniversary Video