Welcome to our Beautiful World, Enjoy... 

The American Rhododendron Society is a not for profit organization whose purpose is to encourage interest and to disseminate knowledge about rhododendrons, azaleas, and companion plants.

It also provides a medium through which all persons interested in rhododendrons and azaleas may communicate and cooperate with others through education, meetings, publications, scientific studies, research, conservation and other similar activities.

The Great Lakes Chapter serves members residing in Western Pennsylvania, NewYork, Ohio and Eastern Michigan.

A message to our Guests

Were you drawn to our site by the incredibly beautiful blooms or the gorgeous greenery?  Rhododendrons and Azaleas have something for everyone.  From pure whites to pretty pinks, bold reds, fiery oranges and soft purples they put on a spring show in color and shapes unrivaled by none.  And in the deeps of winter the lovely green leaves peek out from under the snow.  If you are a beginner just learning that they love acid soil and hate wet feet or an accomplished gardener looking to create your own hybrids, our site and our chapter can provide you the guidance you need and a common bond with some great people who are gardeners just like you.  Enjoy our site and come join us for a meeting or one of our events for a lifetime of enjoying an incredible species.

Become a Member

Membership in the Society affords, among other benefits, affiliation with a local chapter. ARS chapters are located throughout the United States and Canada and in Denmark, The Netherlands, Scotland, Sweden and Sikkim.

To join   ARS Membership

News & events

Purple Rhododendrum

Next Meeeting

May 25-26, 2019
PLACE:  Holden Arboretum

9550 Sperry Road

Kirtland, Oh  44094

HOSTS:  Juliana Medeiros

25th GLC Members Agenda:

11 AM - Noon  GLC Board Meeting

Noon - 1 PM Boxed Lunch

1 PM - 4 PM Private Garen Tour

6 PM - 8 PM  GLC Banquet Dinner and PLant Auction

8 PM - 9 PM Private Screening "A Passion for Rhododendrons"

25th  Public Agenda:

10 AM – 4 PM  Get Ready to Grow- Activities

4 PM - 6 PM Get Inspired to Bloom - Public Seminars

26th GLC Members Agenda:

10 AM - Noon  Private Garden Tour

Noon - 4 PM Guilded Tours of Holden Aurboretum